Moab was so much more than an offroading trip.
In Moab, we celebrated the wonderful marriage of Vicky and Niko.
We got stuck on one of the most difficult trails past dark.
We slept in each other’s home rentals. Ate each other’s snacks.
Moab was a full experience of the Jeep life, and of the lifelong friendships brought together by a common hobby.
I wouldn’t change anything about a single day of the entire trip (except maybe the drive back, that part obviously sucked).
To Jeepers Aspiring to Wheel Moab:
Do it. It is an incredible experience. You will learn so much about your Jeep, your driving skills, your strengths and weaknesses. You will be surprised at the amazing things you will be able to do.
To Pritchett Canyon:
My favorite trail. It taught me so much, and has encouraged me to continue to build my Jeep onto the next level. I learned the weaknesses of my build, and I am ready to strengthen them. Being stuck on Pritchett Canyon all day and all night was a heck of an experience, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. My winch may have done a lot of work, but next time that won’t be the case.
To the Moab Crew:
Firstly, thank you to Vicky and Niko for choosing to be wed in this beautiful place, that brought us altogether.
Thank you so much to Will, Pipe, and Sami for spotting me through some of the craziest obstacles I’ll ever do in my little Jeep.
Thank you to Sami, for using his truck and trailer to trailer my Jeep thousands of miles, so I could enjoy this experience to the fullest, while also saving me more than a bundle.
Thank you to our lovely AirBNB host for the freshly ground coffee every morning and providing us with such a homey stay.
Thank you to all the hospitality employees in Moab, for welcoming Jeepers from all over into their humble town.